“How To Speak Excellent English In 6 Months Or Less”
Dear Friend,
Do you feel embarrassed when you speak English? Is your pronunciation bad? Do you make a lot of grammar mistakes when you speak?
Do people have trouble understanding you? Do they seem confused when you speak English?
Is it difficult for you to understand native speakers? Do you feel frustrated because you still can’t understand English speakers easily?
You have studied English for years. You read English well, but when its time to speak– you feel nervous, foolish, embarrassed, and shy when speaking English.
Is it possible that you will never speak English well?
Are you angry that you studied for years but still cannot speak English easily?
What is wrong? Have you wasted all of your study time? Have you wasted all of your English vocabulary? Will you ever speak English easily?
Will you ever feel relaxed and happy when you speak English?
I Love It! |
“Effortless English is great! I love it! Since using the system, my speaking has improved so fast. My friends can’t believe it. They all want to know the secret. Of course, I tell them all about Effortless English. |
Akemi Sato, Japan |
Founder & Director of Effortless English

I’m A.J. Hoge, the creator of the Effortless English Teaching System and the Director of The Effortless English Club- the most complete English speaking system for adult learners. My audio lessons are best-sellers in over 25 countries.
Fifteen years ago, at my first teaching job, I had a student named Gladys. Gladys was wonderful. She was intelligent, friendly, and she worked hard. Every day she studied English textbooks for 4 hours! She tried to remember 50 new vocabulary words every day!
But, after 6 months of hard work, she still could not speak. Sadly, this was true for all of the student’s in the class. I felt terrible. So I asked other teachers for help. But they had the same problem.. very few of their students improved either. That’s when I realized something was wrong– something is wrong with normal English teaching methods.
I wanted to help all of the happy, friendly, intelligent, wonderful students like Gladys– and I decided I would find an answer. I would find a way to help my students speak English quickly, easily, and automatically. For many years, I studied books about English teaching. I constantly tried new methods in my classes. I read research studies.
Eventually, I got a Masters degree in Teaching English… and that’s when I found incredible new methods. I was so excited! Immediately I began to use these new methods in my classes… and every day I worked hard to IMPROVE these methods.
After several more years of testing and improving, I finally found the answer! My students began to improve quickly. They learned to speak easily and automatically. And even better– they loved my classes and they were very very happy!
I was excited! I loved seeing my students improve. My classes were full of excited students!
But then I had another problem– I could only help a few students in my class. Yet, I knew there were thousands, perhaps millions of students who needed my help. I knew that everywhere in the world, there were English students who wanted to speak English well.
Finally, I had an idea– I would record my lessons and offer them on the internet to English students everywhere! It took a long time, and a lot of work, but finally I finished a full pack of lessons – my Original Effortless English Lessons!
Now, I can help students everywhere in the world… and now I can help you.
I’m so grateful to be your teacher. I promise I will always do my best to help you speak excellent English.
Read this article to learn more about the incredible Effortless English System that I made for you.
You don’t have to memorize anything |
You don’t have to use boring grammar books
You don’t have to study awful vocabulary lists
What if you were not to blame? What if it was the old methods, old lessons, and old textbooks that caused your problems? What if you could speak excellent English- and finally succeed?
You can do it! It is possible for anyone to speak excellent English.
Now it is time to imagine a better future.
The Truth About Learning English
The truth is- if you continue to use the same learning methods- you will never speak English well. You will always have problems with your speaking.
However, there is a new way. When you use the right method, you improve easily. In fact, in six months you will have incredible speaking power – easily.
Native speakers will understand you easily. You will understand them. You will finally feel relaxed, happy, and confident when you speak English.
You need to change your learning method, and the first thing you must do is to forget English grammar!
“Your teaching is
excellent! I’m very grateful to you. When I started, my speaking was
not good. Now I speak English fluently. I never translate. I speak
automatically, just like you said I would!”
Alain Andrade, France
| |
Never Do This
Does English grammar make you feel sad, bored, and depressed? Are you worried that you will never truly use English grammar correctly?
What if I told you that grammar rules are not the key to speaking English easily, correctly, and automatically?
The best English learners are children, of course. Why?
In fact, its because they don’t study grammar and they don’t learn from textbooks. They use very specific methods and “rules” for learning.
I call these the 7 Rules of Effortless English, and you probably already know them from my email course.
What if you could learn excellent pronunciation, a large vocabulary, and automatic grammar– easily– would you be excited?
If I told you that English grammar is actually easy to learn when you use the correct system, would you feel happier about learning English?
Well, its true. English grammar is easy, but only if you learn it correctly. And the correct way is not studying grammar rules.
You must learn grammar intuitively. You must learn grammar subconsciously. You must learn grammar naturally.
You must learn grammar easily and effortlessly- just like children.
you want to become like a native speaker, you don’t need to learn
when you are a child. You need to use the same methods as a child." Dr. J. Marvin Brown
Results That Surprised Even Me
Nid was tired. She had been studying English for 8 years, but her speaking was still terrible.
She was going to an English school. Every night, she went to class. Every night, she studied a textbook. She studied grammar rules.
She had been doing this for 8 years– but no success. 8 long years.
Tired of school, one night she searched the internet for “Learn English”. She found Effortless English.
7 days later she got The Effortless English Club lessons. Her life changed. She used the system everyday. She was surprised how easy and interesting it was. No textbooks. No grammar rules to remember. The articles were interesting, and the stories were funny and easy to remember.
Then something amazing happened. She met an American named James in a coffee shop in Bangkok. Without thinking, she started to talk with James. The words came out automatically. No effort. No translating. Easily.
She felt incredible. She was relaxed and smiling and laughing. She was speaking easily. She didn’t feel any stress or worry. James listened to her. He understood her ideas and feelings.
She and James talked for 2 hours without stopping. They exchanged emails and Skype IDs. They continued to talk to each other every week.
When she got home that night, Nid sent me an email:
“I can’t believe it. I just finished talking to an American guy for 2 hours. Two hours without worrying or translating. It was so easy. Thank you so much. The system really works.”
“I can’t believe it. I just finished talking to an American guy for 2 hours. Two hours without worrying or translating. It was so easy. Thank you so much. The system really works.”
What The Experts Say
Effortless English uses the best research in the world, from top experts.
These are the top experts- the very best English learning experts in the world: Dr. Stephen Krashen, Dr. James Asher, Dr. J. Marvin Brown, Dr. Ashley Hastings, Dr. Brenda Murphy, David Long and Blaine Ray.
You could use the very best ideas from the best experts in the world- and use lessons that make you learn English, including grammar, fast and easily.
Their methods are totally different than the old methods you used in school.
Learning Fast!
thanks so much. Before joining, my English speaking was terrible. I
was embarrassed. I didn’t think I could ever speak English well. Now
I’m learning fast. I feel relaxed when I speak and I love speaking
English.” Atsuko Imai, Hiroshima, Japan |
How To Learn English Easily
I started Effortless English to help you Speak English Easily, and Fast. Imagine if I took the best ideas and the best research from the best experts in the world, and used them to create a totally new kind of English lesson - would that be exciting?
Well, that’s exactly what I did. Effortless English uses secrets that work– the newest ideas from the top English learning experts in the world.
The Effortless English system is totally new and different. It is completely different than the old study methods you used in the past.
You have never used lessons like these!
What you learn when you download the program:
- The incredible way you Learn Vocabulary and Grammar Without Study: Listen & Answer Mini-Stories. Learn English automatically, with absolutely no “study” or memorizing.
- The Deep Learning method that helps you use English automatically. Remember English words and grammar forever– and use them automatically. Feel great about your speaking ability.
- The way you learn English in a relaxing way by listening to real English articles about interesting topics. Imagine thinking, smiling, and laughing while learning.
- The way you avoid grammar study and instead learn grammar like children– naturally. This is it, the main method of all my lessons.
- How my best students learn, how they study,– and how you can learn English faster too. To be successful, copy the most successful people. Learn how you can study like the best.
- How you raise your iBT TOEFL speaking and listening scores 20%, 30%, or even 40%. The new TOEFL test requires a lot of listening and speaking- be fantastic at both!
- Lessons that help you learn English 3-5X faster- learn much faster, simply by changing your learning method.
- How you meet other English speakers and talk with them. Meet other friendly English learners just like you.
What People Like You Are Saying
Don’t just believe me, see what some of my students are saying about my Effortless English program and how it has helped improve their lives!
English is absolutely amazing! I can finally speak to native speakers.
I understand them and they understand me. I’m so happy! Six months ago
I was afraid to speak English, now I love it! Thanks A.J.” Juan Muñoz,
Mexico |
You Are Successful in 6 Months
I followed your advice. I used Effortless English exactly as you said.
I downloaded the lessons and listened to them everyday. I used your
schedule. Now I can really speak English! I’m so excited. Thanks for
helping me finally speak English!” Mercedes Pintado |
Already Improving
downloaded the lessons this week and they are great! I started with
the first set and already my English is improving. What a great
surprise! I can’t wait to continue. After 6 months, I’m sure I will be
speaking great. I will tell all of my friends about Effortless English.
Thanks A.J.!” Paula Silva, Brazil |
My Pronunciation and Fluency Have Improved!
live in Mexico City. I want to thank you for the excellent work you
are doing. Last week I was in Cleveland, USA. I was talking with real
native speakers! My experience with the English language was really
good– I really could express many emotions and ideas.” José Antonio
Abraján Pérez, Mexico City |
Can I Immediately Do This Myself?
When you buy my Effortless English program, you start learning now– today! All of my lessons are DIGITAL, so you get them immediately. You don’t need to wait for the mail! You don’t need to pay extra mail costs.
Instead, I immediately send you an email with a link– and then you download all of your 30 audio lesson sets as MP3 files (each set has 3 or more lessons in it). You play the lessons on your computer, iPod, or any other device.
Learn English easily in the car, on the bus or train, while you cook, while you walk, while you shop….. Download the lessons right now and you learn anytime, anywhere– effortlessly…. starting right now! No need to wait for the mail!
Each audio file contains exactly what you need to speak English easily and fast, starting right now:
Because you download all of these lessons, you can use them immediately. Today! Right now!
There is no mail. Instantly a link to the download page is emailed to you. Start now-easily.
You are ready to start immediately, right?
Audio English Lesson Sets Feature:
Did you know that you must learn vocabulary with your ears so you can use it quickly while speaking? Audio (listening) vocabulary lessons are 2-3 times more powerful than reading lessons. With Effortless English Lessons, you learn with your ears- effortlessly.
What if you had a new kind of lesson that, when used daily, makes you instantly understand English- and speak quickly and easily? When you use the Mini-Story lessons every day, you improve automatically.
Here it is, the secret to being an incredible English grammar expert- effortlessly. What if you could learn English grammar exactly like an American child- naturally, easily, intuitively? That’s exactly how you learn with my Point of View Stories.
Imagine if English lessons could be fun, easy, interesting, strange, intelligent, and funny- would you love learning English more? Think deeply, laugh loudly, smile a big smile, shake your fist with anger, cry, jump with happiness, learn valuable information… with audio articles made by an intelligent adult- for intelligent adults.
No Pain!
started using this method about 2 months ago and my English was
terrible… I couldn’t speak a whole sentence and I was always afraid
about English! After some lessons (about 3 lessons) I needed to talk
with a British guy about a contract (I’m a project manager) and I could
understand very well and (the most interesting) I could speak without
any pain!” Fabio Cristiano, Brazil |
ACT NOW! Free Bonus Learning Guides
When you buy my English learning lessons right now, you also get a special bonus:
Free Text Learning Guides!

What if those same audio articles also came with a text version, so you can easily check your understanding by reading? My Text Learning Guides help you understand the Audio Articles. You can read all of the articles to understand them 100%. Also, many guides have a side-by-side word (and phrase) list. You don’t need a dictionary. You don’t waste time. You find the meanings you need quickly and easily.
Amazing Extra Bonus!
When you buy my English learning lessons right now, you also get another special bonus:
Free Access to English Students Forum!

What if they helped you every day- answered your questions and encouraged you?
When you buy my lessons, you get more than just the best English speaking lessons available, you also join a family- The Effortless English Club.
You are a family member for life. You will make close friends who will always help you, encourage you, laugh with you, and support you.
When you get the lessons now, you get the address and login instructions for the Member Forums and can immediately, today, meet your new family.
Vicente, Queretaro, Mexico | |
What Do These Powerful Lessons Cost?
You are ready, right now!
If you paid the normal price for an English school here in the United States, you would easily pay $400 a month, $4800 dollars a year.
In fact, in your life you have probably paid over $4000 for English lessons, books, tutors, and schools.
What if I told you my lessons won’t even cost you $3000? No, not even $2000.
Students at my school in San Francisco paid only $200 a month, $2400 a year… an amazingly cheap price!
However, you don’t need to pay a monthly charge. You pay only one time. No subscriptions. No extra charges or costs.
And for a limited time, you don’t even have to pay the original price of $297 to get these lessons.
Your excellent new English speaking ability is only…. $117.. $97!
Wow! That’s less than 1 week in an English school here in the United States…. and you’ll easily improve much faster with my lessons.
But you must get my lessons now…. right now.
If you wait, you will not speak faster and you will continue to only be a good reader. However, getting my lessons now will cause you to start improving immediately - today.
If you are serious about speaking excellent English, you will start now- today!
And don’t let the low price fool you. This is an amazing pack of lessons that can easily sell for $297. I just might be smart and increase the price suddenly.
Take Advantage Of Today’s Low Discount Price!
Yes AJ!
I want to order this amazing package right now, and get the limited time discount now.
I want to order this amazing package right now, and get the limited time discount now.
understand that if I am not satisfied with my new purchase, I can
request a full refund at any time within 6 months, and it will be
provided quickly.
To get the lessons right now, simply click on the button below to be taken to our secure order page
RETAIL PRICE – $297.00
TODAY – JUST $97.00
TODAY – JUST $97.00
My Amazing 2X Satisfaction Guarantee!
What if I told you that I have a guarantee- would you feel safe and relaxed knowing you have no risk? When you join Effortless English,
I guarantee your success. If within 6 months you don’t find yourself
speaking better English, then just tell me and I will return your money.
what if I gave you a very special guarantee- a guarantee so strong you
will never find it with another English teacher? What if I told you if
you don’t speak English better after using my lessons for 6 months, I
will refund 2X the cost.That’s right- 200%. If you use the lessons every day for 6 months and don’t speak English better, you actually make money. But I know you will not ask for your money- you will be happy and successful and will speak English more quickly, more easily, and more correctly.
No bookstore will guarantee the textbooks you buy. No teacher will return your money if you don’t learn anything. But I will!

PS – If you’re still reading it means you are ready to get my lessons
and join our family. Click the big red button and start your first
lesson now- just check your email, get the link, and download your
PPS -Remember you get:
- Audio Vocabulary Lessons– To help you learn new words & phrases and remember them forever!
- Listen & Answer Story Lessons– The most powerful lessons you will ever use!
- Audio Articles– More incredible English listening with real English about interesting topics!
- Point of View Lessons– An amazing way to learn grammar without studying rules!
- Audio Commentaries– Learn about North American culture and improve your listening too!
- Text Guides– Text for all of the audio articles to help you understand!
- Lifetime Forum Membership– Join our international family and meet many new friends!
We Learn Faster With Effortless English!
It’s much easier to learn English with you. You are happy and you are
always well. Thank you so much! We learn faster with you.Thank you for your Energy- I must be a good student because you are The BEST !!!!!!! - Kisses from Fatima, Sao Paulo, Brazil |
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Privacy Policy:
We absolutely NEVER sell or give your information (email address, name, etc.) to anyone else. Your information is fully protected with Effortless English.
We absolutely NEVER sell or give your information (email address, name, etc.) to anyone else. Your information is fully protected with Effortless English.
Terms and Conditions
You may unsubscribe from our email course at any time.
We offer a 100% refund guarantee if you are unsatisfied with our lessons anytime within 30 days after purchase. To receive the 2x refund after 6 months, you must testify that you used the system as recommended for at least 5 days a week, each week, during the 6 month period.
You may unsubscribe from our email course at any time.
We offer a 100% refund guarantee if you are unsatisfied with our lessons anytime within 30 days after purchase. To receive the 2x refund after 6 months, you must testify that you used the system as recommended for at least 5 days a week, each week, during the 6 month period.