Which is why our website is called the Effortless English CLUB. Effortless English is more than great lessons – it’s also a community of very positive and enthusiastic learners. In fact, we are very careful about membership in our community. We only accept the very best – English learners who are very positive and enthusiastic.
We monitor our club quite closely, and we have zero tolerance for the negative, insulting, or childish behavior usually seen in internet communities. On most internet forums, for example, you find a massive amount of insults and arguing. We don’t allow that. Such members are quickly and decisively eliminated from the club, and are never allowed to re-join.
Yes, this is a tough policy. But it is necessary. It can be difficult to create a great international learning club online. And I admit- I am not interested in accepting and tolerating everyone. My goal is to create an international English learning club of only the very best learners. I want the most enthusiastic, the most supportive, the most friendly, the most energetic members in the world… and that, in fact, is exactly what we have.
The members of the Effortless English Club are absolutely amazing. The level of enthusiasm and friendliness is tremendous. New members are always very happy to discover such a fun and supportive learning club. We have many super members who will answer your questions, give you learning advice, encourage you when you feel tired, and inspire you with their success.
Now, I want to talk a little about the mission of this Club. Why are we here?
First, we are here to support and encourage each other as learners. When learning anything, there are always times when we feel tired or have doubts. At those times, we need the support and encouragement of friendly enthusiastic people. Here, you will find wonderful members who are always willing to encourage and help you.
Second, we are here to connect in friendship, as human beings. English is a tool for communication and connection. I feel that The Effortless English Club is a family. We will always help each other when we can.... in any way we can. We are here to make true friendships. Many of our members go beyond these forums: they connect with each other by email, with Facebook, and with Twitter. They also talk to each other using Skype. We have many good friendships here.
Finally, we have a bigger mission. Unfortunately, the traditional English education industry is terrible. Most classes are boring. Worse, many students have very negative experiences in their English classes. They feel foolish, bored, frustrated, and upset.
My hope is that together, we will change English education all over the world. English learning can be fun, exciting, and very positive. English teachers should be making their students feel happy. They should be teaching their students to LOVE English... and LOVE learning.
I can't do this alone... but we all can do this together. Let's change the way the world learns English. Let's show them that learning and speaking English can be fun, easy, and exciting. Let's show them how to connect in friendship, using English. Let's show them a better way than the old terrible methods.
That is our mission - together!
As always, enjoy your English learning!
AJ Hoge from, http://effortlessenglishclub.com
It's great, I want to learn English, I love the 7 rules of Aj Hoge, It's realy helpful for me. Now I'm realy want to partice with everybody...thank you so much
ReplyDeletehi i am raheem
DeleteHello Every One i want to partice speaking english on skypee
DeleteHi AJ.
ReplyDeleteI hope you will write my message.
I have fallowed your method, your technique, your english learn way and I want to say something your english learn method.
Your method is great for me.
I have never speak english but since start your method your method work and ultimately and finally I can speak english very well now.
I listened your course every day totaly over 2 years.
I think I studied and listened your 60 ministory and another course material.
I want to thank you very very much.
I you don't share your method and your mp3, I don't speak english and I did not overcome my english fearing.
thank you a lot again.
by the way, maybe my message have a lot of grammer mistake. but I don't care about my grammer mistake.
I have listened your mp3 and I have started new and different about everything podcast.
thank you..
my name is: murat
I am from: Turkey
my mail adress is: bayprogramci@yahoo.com
Hi Murat!
DeleteThank you for sharing your story with us. I am very happy that you achieved success with your English learning.
I am delighted that Effortless English lessons worked so well for you. I know that this lessons are very good and your story can encourage other people to learn English this way.
Good luck!
I'm also from Turkey and I support what he says. I also used this method for a while and think it's really great for learners. Never wash your hands of English, effortless english is awesome
ReplyDeleteHello, Mr AJ. I'm very interested in English. I'm surprised at the same time impressed by the way you make learning English language funny, interested and very helpful. I'm looking forward to speak English fluently. I can hardly wait to be part of this club, share each-others thoughts, get some new friends and have fun. my point of view is that It doesn't matter how many text books you have read so far but how often you listen, read and speak. It might sound a little crazy but true "you have to be in love with English and feel it deep inside, in order to speak it fluently".you Mr r wonderful at this, making us very interested and inspired. thank you very much. It will be pleasure to be one of those who are joining this club day by day ...
ReplyDeleteHi Mr. A.j
ReplyDeletei'm very fortunate cause i know you and your course . Really i do not know you face to face but i see you and i feel that you teach me and before me while listening to your lessons . really i thanks allah for you, for me you are a great present to teach me real english from real native activate instructor.in fact i began your course but i did't continue because i'm little lazy but from now i promise you to bagin again and i email you
again and tell what i reach to / ok thank you
my name is Ayat
I am from Egypt
MY Email : Free_baby91@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteMy name is Ariel Acosta this is my first mail to you.
my story is a long story, but I going to tell you, you save my life, with your lesson, few month ago I cant speak nothing, and less understand English.
today I can understand almost everything and I can chat whit another people and some days I teach American English for some friends, thank for Effortless English, and I owe you more then normal price to the pack.
do you have acc on favebook that my facebook romanse_1515@live.com pleasa chat me and i will wait your answer thank you
DeleteHi AJ
ReplyDeleteI'm Abeer
I have been studying English more than a year in the US. Wile that, i have worked very hard to improve my English, but unfortunatly i didn't speak very well until i joined your method. It is very powerful and helpful. Thank you AJ very much. Actually, you saved my scholarship that i have only year and 6 month to study enlish then i have to take tofel or ailets. i hope that i will get it as soon as possible.
SORRY in advance,but equal someone can help me.I was reading about your method and i would like to make my english better. Nevertheless, this time i am not working so i don't have money. If someone have a solution I would like to knew it. My email is: dmtrsbs@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteHi Aj, I am Andy from Indonesia. I've listened your Mp3 a mounth a go. And I feel any progress with my English, and of course i'll forward to listend your podcast again. I just wanna say thanks a lot for you AJ.I'm happy if I can join with Effortless English Club Learning.
ReplyDeletePlease share your experience abaout learned English with me @andie_kerja@yahoo.co.id
or follow my Twitter @andie_ariyandi
I just get ITp score..and i,m so upset cause my score is so Low.I,ve been practise to answer Toefl book test but the result still unexpected..Now I,m so sad dunno what and how to do ...I ,m so down..anyone Help me...please send me your suggestion to my email seuli_mum@yahoo.co.id
ReplyDeleteI need your help..Thanx
ReplyDeleteI have found your revolutionary metods just rigth now, and I want try to follow it!
Bye bye
Hi mr i would like to learne english.But i am enterested
ReplyDeleteyour way.could you pliese to help me?
This is my email adress. frege.teknisan@yahoo.com
Hi, I use the method is fantastic, thank's AJ, You are the best.
ReplyDeletebye bye
Hi, AJ, I'm practice English with your method, and it's fantastic. Thank's very much, you're the best.
Thank you AJ I lesstin to you and you are a good teacher , I got benefits when I use your program, or system , but I stil beggener, I hope to reach to advanced system. thank you again
ReplyDeletebye bye
ReplyDeleteI really impressed by your method when I listened to 7 rules of speaking English.
Just I would like to ask you a question: Everybody has different level of fluency in speaking English , how your lessons can meet and satisfy this different levels?I mean are these lessons suitable for people with different level of speaking?It might be boring for some one or conversly could be difficult for another one.
How did you deal with this issue?
I agree with you
DeleteHi AJ
ReplyDeletethe first sentence that i have to say is "thank you so much" i could not imagine, after listening to your 7rules n also practicing.. i become more confidence to speak n study English further with this method.. we hope together that your method is able to help the other ones to reach their goal,,
hey AJ
ReplyDeletecan u tell me? which set should i buy "powerful English or Learn Real Eglish"
I am not sure which set of lesson would be the best for you, but I will try to explain the difference between them.
Delete"Learn Real English" lessons are focused on casual American spoken English. These lessons are full of slang and casual spoken English. These lessons could be difficult for some students. I would recommend these lessons if you live or want to live in America and your English is already at least on intermediate level.
"Power English" lessons are different. English used in these lesson is more general and will be useful for students everywhere in the world. "Power English" lessons are more than English lessons. Each lessons has its own topic that will teach you how to become better not only in English but in everything in life. "Power English" lessons use many powerful techniques to help people learn faster and remember longer. To use them you need to have some English knowledge - intermediate level or higher.
I hope that this short description of different lessons sets will help you to choose the right lessons for you. Good luck!
Hi A j
ReplyDeleteSunny here.I just want to say ..Your are the Best Teacher ever.i appreciate your work.I have learned a lot from your videos.They helps me to speak English faster automatically and naturally .
Thanks a lot..God bless you ...
you are best teacher in the world . only 2 month they learning me to speak English automatically . thanks you.....
ReplyDeletegreat job
ReplyDeleteHowdy A.j, I just want to say that you are a great great teacher your english is very understandably, I listen to the lessons every day and is fantastic because thanks to your advices, I followed them, and today I can speak and understand english without any problem... Peace out¡
ReplyDeleteHello Sir AJ. I want to call you sir because you've inspired me to speak English effortlessly. I've been practicing my skills in speaking English for quite some time because I am going to be a teacher after I graduate. Teacher in Science, and don't worry. If I am an English major, and i saw your video. I'd still agree with you to burn the grammar textbooks. :D See I'm a Filipino and I learned speaking English before I even learned writing. I learned by watching cartoons. And the habit of speaking stops when you realize that some people laugh when you speak English just because they don't know how. But now, you inspired me to speak English even more. I am very happy that i clicked your video link when i searched on youtube how to speak English fluently about an hour ago. Right after seeing Rule 1 i watched all the way to Rule 7. I wish i had you as my English teacher. But I'm not saying that my past English teachers were awful. :D But I think I understand the situation now. The school focuses on the KNOWLEDGE part that's why they keep on teaching that way. Yours is different because you are teaching SKILL. But if I were to be an English teacher, I'd rather burn the grammar books of my students than let them struggle speaking in the English language in the future. I have a suggestion, why don't you make interactive lessons? Or maybe Interactive mini stories? So that your viewers, non-native and native will speak English while watching your videos. Thank you so much sensei AJ. God bless you abundantly. :D
you're a Filipino? Great to see your comment here. I'm a Filipino too. I've been watching Aj Hoge's Videos for a couple of months ago. i agree on what you said. it's true. our school focuses on the Logic part. i really enjoy this new method now. c;
i just finish watching your vip video on youtube. the topic is about stepping out of the comfort zone. i want to be part of the vip members but i can't afford to pay the service fee. so i decided to type my comment here. just following your instruction. i really love your method. you inspire us a lot. thank you for helping us to boost our confidence. May God bless you always.
ReplyDeleteThank you A.J it's true. gotta be in a communitty.
ReplyDeleteit's hard to move alone
Hi!Mr A.J
ReplyDeletefirst and foremost i'd like to thank you alot for your great deeds.Frankly,your system works.i feel strong day after day whereas i follow your methods everyday.it's really amazing,fantastic.thank you so much once more our great teacher.take care!!
Mr. Aj is right but what he said about Grammar is somehow illogical. He thinks that Grammar can be learned just listening to sentences over and over again (it is what i saw and heard him in one is videos).
ReplyDeleteHi Guys, Good to know that the lessons really fits for all of us.(Maybe Most:) im also glad to express and state the results of this tutorial to me even though im not yet finished on it, my self confidence and ego boost up. I know that someday English will be a key for my success hopefully on my future job. Keep on learning,Moving and use the lesson. English fluency will be part of us soon. Happy new yr sir. AJ
ReplyDeleteStudent From- Philippines
the efforless english is the best method to speak english quickly and easly.so with Mr A.J you can speaing faster.
ReplyDeletewhat amazing .
ReplyDeleteHa, I haven't joined this exciting club. but it will be awesome to do I think. By the way me English i think is good but if i don't use it , i would lose it . i'm from Egypt , and I'm studying Engineering. and i think it's required to be good in English . Everyone of us is seeking to be better for just one target ... it's success . :D
1,4,5,6 rules are very good=super good. THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
ReplyDeletehi Aj,
ReplyDeletecould you tell me how can i download all these lesson into my i phone 5.
Hi. AJ
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot for your great method t o learn english, I'm Jaime, from Perú (Lima) and I have learning english with your method sense 5 years ago...
That is a great method.
ReplyDeleteHi AJ, I'm Doris from Indonesia. I really love your method in learning English. It works for me. Hopefully we can meet someday directly Indonesia.
ReplyDeleteNice Regards,
hi everybody i just have heard the 7 rules representation by mr A.J Hoge and i think it's all what i need for this i'm here with you brothers so please give me a hand to participate you soon
ReplyDeletethank you
Hi everyone, I really appreciated also for having this forum/suggestions/exchanging of our ideas, I've also following the 7 rules EE, as I've observed this is the actual way of learning process, effective, its really helped me a lot, more power MR.AJ
ReplyDeleteyou're right
Deletewhich lesson(s) to start with??
ReplyDeletemention name plz,
thank you
Hi. Start with Power English lessons. Follow AJ Hoge instructions and listen each lessons set at least one week. First lessons explain how to learn English effectively and how to use Power English lessons in order to learn fast. Good luck my friend!
ReplyDeleteyou're fabulous, Aj.
ReplyDeleteHi, My name is Loay from Saudi Arabia. I believe this method is very effective and easy. But I just would like to know and ask, because I currently studying and needs to learn a school book in order to finish my classes. Does this learning method program still effective while I studying books cause it's really require us to do so in school. I would to improve my fluency and to become more familiar with English especially in conversational English. Please advise. I can't just skip the school books. Thanks and have a wonderful day!
ReplyDeleteUse your textbook at school as it's required by your school. However most of your learning time concentrate on listening real English (Power English lessons) and you'll get the best results.
ReplyDeleteI'm A.hassan from Egypt , first I want to thank every one make an effort in this system especially A.J Hoge 'really really I learn alot in English speaking and learn how to live as a great person in all my life as a brother , businessman ,friend etc..,
ReplyDeleteI want after then to ask how to make English community , so I want some sites or forums to make a connection with people and make them friends
please I'm serious and you can send me some links im my email
Hello every one, i need a partner for conversation on Skype, can anyone be my partner? waiting your reply. thank you
ReplyDeleteDear All,
ReplyDeleterecently I purchased Power English lessons
I have many files now on my desk,
can any one help what is the recomended order of the file exactly that I have to go though one by one
I mean files not sets ,
your help is highly appriciated.
hi! AJ really u r a great teacher;i started to learn english with u since 3 months and i feel that my english is better;especialy my listening .thanks Aj u deserve a thank
ReplyDeleteAJ i like your style of teaching, because your style is very friendly.
ReplyDeleteAJ Thank you for time you share with us.Every time when I watch yours lessons world looking better,because you are kind and full of positive energy.
ReplyDeleteThank you again and best regards from Bosnia
Hi Aj, it's Omar from Egypt. i'm listing to ur lessons 3 years ago, and i like ur way.
ReplyDeletehow to suscribe u aj hoge
ReplyDeleteHi Mumraiz. Click any link in the article to go to the main Effortless English website. There you can subscribe to the free email course (right side top corner) or buy Power English lesson.
Deletehello Mr. Aj... im a new user here..... im starting use your 7 rules now... and i'm felt amazed coz its working even its little by little. im starting listening now your audio podcast.... and i'm looking forward i can do it... i can speak fluently without even hesitating what grammar rule is... for now Im used your method of learning, i keep listening and more focus in listening as what youv'e said... thanks mr. aj. ...
ReplyDeletehello everybody on this website ;i would like to thank all members of this forum and my special thanks to A.J Hoge ;please for those who who would like to practice english on facebook this is my facebook account Hamido hero: thanks for you english learners
ReplyDeleteE. J. hello I would like to thank you for the lessons they offer and the effort that efforts in order to make a lot of people are happy and successful in many aspects of life, I've got your lessons have not helped me a lot in improving my
ReplyDeleteEnglish, but also helped me to improve my character and many of the important aspects in my life .. When I started watching the video clips provided by the positive greatly increased my energy and increased my self-confidence has become happier and more comfortable
Now I did not finish after the lessons, but I continue to watch video clips and apply them and I am confident I will be speaking ingenious in the future and all this thanks to you, so thank you very much
hay, iam ola from INDONESIA , can you help me how to get free that audio please , i don't have much money for that :(
ReplyDeleteand i very need that audio to improve my speak :'( :'(
Hi Mr A J , I'm Bahjat , I'm a new user , Really I watched your 7 rules and I'm felt amazed . But the importance question after that ,Where from level of Effortless English can I begin Knowing I,m a new learner so I won't to lose my heartiness .
ReplyDeletePlease answer this question quickly .
Thank you .
Hello Bahjat,
DeleteI would recommend you to start with Power English lessons and go through them exactly as AJ Hoge teaches. Take your time and learn each lesson set at least for one week and you will see a good progress with time.
thank you so much Mr A.J I'm so excited to start lessons and good luck for all students
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Mr A.J I'm so excited to start lessons and good luck for all students
ReplyDeleteHi,Dear A.J Hoge
ReplyDeleteI am glad to meet your English method way.
Firstly, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Kyaw Kyaw from Myanmar.
I start to learn your english and I hope improve of my english speaking by Effortless english and now I downloading Effortless English from internet pass to my phone.
Thank you
Kyaw Kyaw
Hello .l am faty from Morocco.I will follow your method and I hope I will finally speak English .
ReplyDeleteThank you very much Mr A.J.
thank you AJ, i have downloaded many your english videos.... and they can improve my english speaking ability... thank tuo so much... your method is the best method i have ever known... and again thank you so much....
ReplyDeleteHi Mr:AJ from the bottom of my heart i want to say thank you for your method and rules.it's so helpful for me.. i think you have attractive stunning charisma that that give me passion to learn more and watch your videos one after one....soory for my mistakes... i will keep learining.. and it's a honour for me joining to this club..
ReplyDeleteMy name:Maram elshiekh
From: sudan
My email: maramelshiekh@yahoo.com